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This post was updated on Mar 09, 2016; 4:20pm.
Hi all
i've been working on another hotfix that may interest you. WARNING #1: THIS UPDATE IS NOT YET READY FOR ALL NOVICE USERS! USE AT OWN RISK (for factory reset) WARNING #2: THESE UPDATES ASUME 1.51SP1 IS INSTALLED ON YOUR SHIELD all transactions to install and run scripts need to be done from the CLI root. Download the hotfix: hotfix_160309-FINAL.tgz Download the change log: hotfix_160309-FINAL.txt MD5SUM for this hotfix: 85a06650bfe47bf4d0c0bf641c0c35b7 12) = DAILY UPDATE SCRIPT FOR IPS AND WF - version 6 > /sbin/fw_upgrade /etc/init.d/dnsmasq /etc/itus/update_blacklist.sh /etc/itus/write-categories.sh - added the ramdisk functionality so that temporary files are kept in memory only. - ref: http://itus.accessinnov.com/Update-script-fw-upgrade-td43.html 13) = UPDATE TO SP1 > /tmp/upgrade_rc_to_sp1.sh - updated script to use dropbox as source of updates - ref: http://itus.accessinnov.com/Upgrade-to-1-51SP1-td10.html 14) = LUCI - LAST UPDATE DISPLAY > /.hf_date /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_status/index.htm - added hotfix date visiblity to LuCI - check Status > Overview > Firmware Version line 15) = LUCI - DIAGNOSTICS > /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_network/diagnostics.htm - change the default diagnostics URL from itusnetworks.com to www.msftncsi.com - check Network > Diagnostics 16) = CLI - CLEANING OF OBSOLETE FILES > /tmp/cleanup.sh /tmp/cleanup_list CHANGED - archives files listed in cleanup_list into cleanup_archive.tgz - deletes files if the archive is created correctly - restarts snort to download new rules - run with "sh /tmp/cleanup.sh" 17) = BOOT - NTP AND DROPBEAR > /etc/rc.local - force a dropbear restart 30 seconds after last bood command - restart NTP client after dropbear 18) = INIT - NTP CRON > /etc/init.d/ntpclient - set the cron job to run at midnight instead of every 10 minutes. - check system > scheduled tasks 19) = OPKG - ARCH > /etc/opkg.conf - adds the architectures for cn70xx and octeon to the package list. 20) = IPS - LOG PROBLEM > /etc/snort/snort.conf - disabled preproc_rules for preprocessor, decoder and sensitive date - ref http://itus.accessinnov.com/Speed-issue-due-to-log-size-too-big-SOLUTION-td189.html 21) = LUCI WF - CONTENT FILTERING OPTIONS > /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/e2guardian.lua - removed all but Ads, Malicious and Drugs from option list - this is related due to limitations of fw_upgrade script 22) = LUCI - UTM MODE DISPLAY > /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_status/index.htm /etc/rc.local /.shield_mode /etc/itus/detect_mode.sh - runs at startup detect-mode script. This determines router/bridge/gateway mode
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Thanks! I'll start doing some testing on my end when I can.
Just thinking, for small hotfix updates could we do that via the backup config? Someone could just use the restore backup and never leave the GUI.
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Great work as usual!
12 - fw_upgrade - experienced no problems 13 - already on sp1 14 - Shows the "hotfix" in the Firmware Version, should probably be hansfix :) 15 - defaults to www.msftncsi.com now 16 - I already manually deleted as I don't use the webfilter Suggestions: In /etc/rc.local I have added: sleep 30 /etc/init.d/dropbear restart sleep 10 /usr/sbin/ntpclient -s -p 123 -h 0.us.pool.ntp.org || /etc/init.d/ntpclient restart SSH lost in reboot and to pull the current time at startup. Then do monthly updates: /etc/init.d/ntpclient ...snip... cron_seed() { local cronstuff='40 3 2 * *' local reset="/etc/init.d/ntpclient restart" Do you think you should do a cron seed for the IPS log clear until it's figured out why snort isn't using the log size limit?
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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thanks for testing ![]() excellent ideas - i've added them to the hotfix! we could do that but now it also depends on the Shield mode (bridge/router)
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Better yet instead of the logclear the snort config logsize limit fix: http://itus.accessinnov.com/Speed-issue-due-to-log-size-too-big-SOLUTION-td189.html
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Agreed - this is now part of BETA4 Changes made vs BETA3: 20) = IPS - LOG PROBLEM > /etc/snort/snort.conf - disabled preproc_rules for preprocessor, decoder and sensitive date - ref http://itus.accessinnov.com/Speed-issue-due-to-log-size-too-big-SOLUTION-td189.html 21) = LUCI WF - CONTENT FILTERING OPTIONS > /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/e2guardian.lua - removed all but Ads and Malicious from option list - due to limitations of fw_upgrade script 21) will then show as ![]() This is temporary until we figure out how to change fw_upgrade to include other areas. @ALL - this is the latest version of the March release - please check and i will move it to the general area.
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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What about putting in a hotfix for ipvar Home-net any as it should really be you local ipaddress/24 for use who are in router mode, as mentioned in the forum. roadrunnere42 |
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In reply to this post by hans2
Tried to install hotfix but keep getting these error
root@Shield:/# tar -zxvf hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz tar: invalid tar magic roadrunnere42 |
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In reply to this post by Roadrunnere42
Hi Hans, Roadrunnere42 -
I'm switched to Router mode, and find that after installing hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz the Luci Status Overview page shows Firmware Version of "v1.51 SP1 + Hotfix Mar 4" as expected, but Operating Mode now shows "UTM Bridge". Just an UI bug? Or is there an issue with this hotfix forcing Bridge mode? Things seem to be operating okay as far as I can tell. Spotted your comment regarding snort config's ipvar Home-net Roadrunnere42, any other tips/gotchas to be aware of in Router mode? Thanks!
OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r10391-3d8d528939
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Correct, "UTM Bridge" is hard coded into the htm file - I am looking for a way to detect the shield mode via script. WIP.
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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I remember seeing in one of the upgrade scripts (could be the last one from Itus) that it checked for which mode it was running, then did the appropriate action, but can't remember which script roadrunnere42 |
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I will have a look at my RC1 and v1 images - thanks for the tip!
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here is want you what to find out which node the shield is in if [ `df -h | grep -m1 mmcblk* | awk '{ print sunstr( $0, 6, 14 ) }'` ]: then DISK_PARTITION=`df -h | grep -m1 mmcblk* | awk '{ print substr( $0, 6, 14 ) }'` if [ $DISK_PARTITION = mmcblk0p2 ]; then SHEILD_MODE=Router elif if [ $DISK_PARTITION = mmcblk0p3 ]; then SHEILD_MODE=Gateway elif [ $DISK_PARTITION = mmcblk0p4 ]; then SHEILD_MODE=Bridge else echo "Shield operation error" fi roadrunnere42 ![]() |
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... [show rest of quote]
Awesome. What I will probably do is save the output in a .mode file and have LuCI pull the contents.
That means an update to /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_status/index.htm Where should I put this script - in /etc/rc.local so that it runs once during startup?
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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I'm still learning so best left to your expert judgement . ps hotfix still did not run on Shield, i can open file on my computer so will just copy across. roadrunnere42 |
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Can you check the MD5SUM of the file - it should be 5f13e013787d7332a344d35362100d4b
It matches my google drive too, this is where i put my files for this forum before upload. root@Shield:/tmp/d# md5sum ../hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz 5f13e013787d7332a344d35362100d4b ../hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz root@Shield:/tmp/d# tar -zxvf ../hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz tmp/make_hotfix.txt sbin/fw_upgrade etc/init.d/dnsmasq etc/itus/update_blacklist.sh etc/itus/write-categories.sh tmp/upgrade_rc_to_sp1.sh .hf_date usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_status/index.htm usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_network/diagnostics.htm tmp/cleanup.sh tmp/cleanup_list etc/rc.local etc/init.d/ntpclient etc/opkg.conf etc/snort/snort.conf usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/e2guardian.lua
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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I'm getting root@Shield:/# md5sum hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz 4c26561a89807b0348f07f1792756e26 hotfix_160301-BETA4.tgz roadrunnere42 |
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I have updated the FINAL version of the patch - will focus on bug fixes afterwards.
The last changes are: 21) = LUCI WF - CONTENT FILTERING OPTIONS > /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/e2guardian.lua - removed all but Ads, Malicious and Drugs from option list - this is related due to limitations of fw_upgrade script 22) = LUCI - UTM MODE DISPLAY > /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/admin_status/index.htm /etc/rc.local /.shield_mode /etc/itus/detect_mode.sh - runs at startup detect-mode script. This determines router/bridge/gateway mode thanks to Roadrunner42: 1) the fw_upgrade script can now also filter DRUGS related content. See http://itus.accessinnov.com/Update-script-fw-upgrade-td43.html for more details. 2) In LuCI the UTM Mode file will now show UTM Router, Bridge or Gateway. See http://itus.accessinnov.com/Hotfix-160301-BETA-ONLY-td157.html#a308
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